4 Popular Choices for Eco-Friendly Waste Disposal

Even the fastest growing economies often fail at effectively managing the massive quantities of waste generated. Whether you’re a homeowner cleaning up after a renovation project, or a construction company with ongoing site waste management requirements or a hospital generating biomedical wastes , it’s important that you’re familiar with eco-friendly waste disposal methods. Let us have a quick glance at popular eco-friendly ways of waste disposal.

1. Reusing

Reusing the waste is directly related to generating less of it. For example, instead of throwing them away, you can still use your shopping bags. The same goes with relish and condiment jars, which can be used for storing items in your workshop.

2. Recycling

It starts with waste separation, as recyclable products are often mixed up with non-recyclable ones, or ones suitable for composting. Many people are already recycling, with communities showing their environmental initiative by providing separate bins for glass and PET, but are you up to date with what can be recycled nowadays?

how to reduce waste

Even with a high percentage of household waste being recyclable, the statistic are still discouraging. For example, in a developed country like Australia, where environmental awareness is high, only about 18% of all plastic packaging is recycled.

Read this article if you want to know how to start recycling in your day-to-day life.

3. Professional waste removal

Separating your household waste into separate bins and disposing of daily rubbish responsibly is one thing, but when faced with a large amount of waste, such as from major remodelling project, downsizing, or moving house, most homeowners don’t know what to do.

Developed countries have an extensive network of commercial waste removal companies. It operates an efficient team for removing household rubbish, lawn trimmings, demolition, and e-waste, while the company’s policies ensure that whatever can be recycled, will be.

eco-friendly waste management

4. Waste-to-Energy

This method involves combusting waste as a means of removing their base components with extreme heat. It’s another way of destroying your waste while still being environmentally responsible. However, this doesn’t mean you can build a bonfire in your backyard and dump whatever will burn, meanwhile choking your entire neighbourhood with the noxious smoke. Municipalities often have strict policies and regulations for waste incineration, so you should look into these before it’s too late.

Instead of burying organic waste, you can use it to generate energy. Waste-to-energy plants that use anaerobic digestion can do a great deal of work here, as they take care of anything that rots and turn it into biogas and organic fertiliser.

A country that has been doing a great job in generating energy from organic waste is Sweden. They convert 100% of their organic waste to clean energy, even going to extents of importing waste from neighbouring countries for energy production.


While waste can be disposed of in a number of ways, it’s always important to give a chance to environment-friendly waste disposal methods, as they make less of an impact on the environment. Apart from helping the nature regenerate its sources, the sustainable waste management methods listed here are directly involved in creating a healthier environment for ourselves.

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About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the CEO/Founder of BioEnergy Consult, and an international consultant, advisor and trainer with expertise in waste management, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, environment protection and resource conservation. He has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biogas technology, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He is a prolific environmental writer, and has authored more than 2000 popular articles in reputed journals, magazines and websites. Salman can be reached at salman@bioenergyconsult.com

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