About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the CEO/Founder of BioEnergy Consult, and an international consultant, advisor and trainer with expertise in waste management, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, environment protection and resource conservation. He has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biogas technology, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He is a prolific environmental writer, and has authored more than 2000 popular articles in reputed journals, magazines and websites. Salman can be reached at salman@bioenergyconsult.com

Future of Advanced Biofuels: Opportunities and Challenges

advanced biofuels

As the push for sustainability gains momentum, advanced biofuels have emerged as a beacon of hope—offering a cleaner alternative to traditional fuels while addressing greenhouse gas emissions. But how do these biofuels stand up in terms of market viability and policy support? The Rise of Advanced Biofuels Conventional biofuels, also… Continue reading

Unlocking Biogas Potential: Biogas and Biomethane Storage

biogas storage

From on-site usage to transportation, the journey of biogas—from a simple byproduct to a versatile fuel—is compelling. Buckle up as we explore the ins and outs of storing and transporting biogas and biomethane! Understanding Biogas and Biomethane Production Biogas is generated through a process called anaerobic digestion, where microorganisms break… Continue reading

A Deep Dive Into Biomass Supply Chains

A Deep Dive Into Biomass Supply Chains

Imagine a world fueled by renewable energy, where the air is cleaner, and the planet is healthier. Bioenergy is a key player in this vision, but how does it all come together? This exploration of biomass supply chains will unveil the critical steps that make biomass-based fuels a viable alternative,… Continue reading

Trash to Treasure: Harnessing Waste-to-Energy for a Sustainable Future

role of waste to energy in circular economy

With alarming statistics about impending waste increase, it is crucial we rethink our approach to waste management, especially through the lens of the circular economy. Let’s delve into the transformative potential of waste-to-energy technologies. Shaping the Future of Waste Management Understanding the Current Global Waste Crisis The global waste crisis… Continue reading

Redefining Waste: From Consumption to Sustainability

redefining waste

Imagine living in a world where waste doesn’t just pile up, but transforms into valuable resources that benefit the community. This isn’t a fantastical dream; it’s a goal we can achieve with innovative thinking and responsible consumption. In this post, we’ll take a critical look at our waste management practices… Continue reading

The Role of Smart Technologies in Waste Management

use of tech in waste management

Smart technologies continues to transform our lives and lead to innovation in industries crucial to the earth’s ecological balance. One such sector benefiting from new inventions is waste management, which is responsible for keeping communities clean through waste removal and recycling. This sector utilizes digital tools that work together to… Continue reading

Things You Should Know About Autoclaving of Healthcare Waste

medical waste autoclave

Autoclaving is a popular medical waste treatment method in many countries. It is done in closed chambers where both heat and pressure are applied over a period of time to destroy all microorganisms that may be present in healthcare waste before landfill disposal. Among alternative systems, autoclaving (also known as… Continue reading

BioCNG – The Renewable Fuel for a Greener World

biocng filling station

BioCNG is a well-known and proven source of clean energy, and is witnessing increasing demand worldwide as it is one of the most cost-effective and eco-friendly replacement for natural gas and diesel. BioCNG is less corrosive than biogas which makes it more flexible in its application than raw biogas. It… Continue reading

Waste Management at Military Facilities: Perspectives

waste at an army base

Waste management at military facilities demands an integrated framework based on the conventional waste management hierarchy of 4Rs – reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery (of energy). Waste reduction (or waste minimization) is the top-most solution to reduce waste generation at military facilities which demands close cooperation among different departments, including… Continue reading

4 Popular Choices for Eco-Friendly Waste Disposal

eco-friendly waste management

Even the fastest growing economies often fail at effectively managing the massive quantities of waste generated. Whether you’re a homeowner cleaning up after a renovation project, or a construction company with ongoing site waste management requirements or a hospital generating biomedical wastes , it’s important that you’re familiar with eco-friendly… Continue reading